Pure Art Is A Noble Pursuit Applied Art Is Business

Art is a broad and complex field that encompasses a variety of creative pursuits, from painting and sculpture to graphic design and industrial design. The two main categories of art are pure art and applied art, and while both are important, they serve different purposes and require different approaches.


Pure art, also known as fine art, is created for its own sake, without any specific function or practical purpose. It is often a reflection of the artist’s emotions, thoughts, and experiences and is intended to evoke an emotional or intellectual response from the viewer. Examples of pure art include paintings, sculptures, and installations.


Applied art, on the other hand, is created with a specific function or practical purpose in mind. It is intended to serve a particular function, such as communication, decoration, or usability. Examples of applied art include graphic design, product design, and fashion design.


While pure art is often considered a noble pursuit, applied art is viewed as a business. This is because applied art is typically created for commercial purposes, with the goal of satisfying the needs and desires of consumers. Applied artists must consider factors such as usability, practicality, and marketability when creating their work.


However, this does not mean that applied art is less important or less valuable than pure art. In fact, applied art plays a vital role in our daily lives and has a significant impact on the way we perceive and interact with the world around us. It can enhance our environment, communicate information, and even influence our behavior.


Both pure and applied art require creativity, skill, and dedication. However, they require different approaches and have different goals. Pure art is focused on self-expression and evoking emotions, while applied art is focused on practicality and satisfying consumer needs. While some artists may specialize in one type of art over the other, both are important and contribute to the richness and diversity of the artistic landscape.


In conclusion, pure art and applied art are two distinct categories that require different approaches and serve different purposes. While pure art is a noble pursuit, applied art is a business that requires artists to consider factors such as usability and marketability. Both types of art are important and contribute to the richness and diversity of the artistic landscape, and each has its own unique value and significance.

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